It is very important to remember that standards vary around the world, and the practice of international accreditation is fairly new. As more and more people move abroad the importance of international regulating bodies for education providers and professions become increasingly important.


There is also currently no single organisation responsible for accrediting the providers and ensuring that their operating standards are of a certain standard. However, with this in mind, several organisations perform international accreditation with valuable appraisal and information.


International accreditation gives colleges credibility and it benefits everyone. Running an academy that is able to teach global practices will attract people looking for the best education.


There is a growing trend for local colleges to strive to acquire international accreditation. According to the South African Business Schools Association (Sabsa)- SA became the most popular place to study in Africa – and is one of the world’s top 20 host nations for American students.


A number of schools in SA have already obtained at least one international stamp of approval, with several applying for dual or even triple accreditation.